George Washington Williams (1849 – 1891) was an
African-American Civil War veteran, minister, politician and historian. After
the Civil War he traveled to King Leopold II's Congo Free State where he penned
an open letter to Leopold about the suffering of the region's inhabitants at
the hands of Leopold's agents.
William’s work spurred the first public outcry against the regime running
the Congo under which approximately 10 million Congolese lost their lives.
The following his George Washington Williams open letter to
King Leopold:
George Washington Williams, “An Open Letter to His Serene
Majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians and Sovereign of the Independent State
of Congo By Colonel, The Honorable Geo. W. Williams, of the United States of
America,” 1890
Good and Great Friend,
I have the honour to submit for your Majesty’s consideration
some reflections respecting the Independent State of Congo, based upon a
careful study and inspection of the country and character of the personal
Government you have established upon the African Continent.
It afforded me great pleasure to avail myself of the
opportunity afforded me last year, of visiting your State in Africa; and how
thoroughly I have been disenchanted, disappointed and disheartened, it is now
my painful duty to make known to your Majesty in plain but respectful language.
Every charge which I am about to bring against your Majesty’s personal
Government in the Congo has been carefully investigated; a list of competent
and veracious witnesses, documents, letters, official records and data has been
faithfully prepared, which will be deposited with Her Britannic Majesty’s
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, until such time as an International
Commission can be created with power to send for persons and papers, to
administer oaths, and attest the truth or falsity of these charges.
There were instances in which Mr. HENRY M. STANLEY sent one
white man, with four or five Zanzibar soldiers, to make treaties with native
chiefs. The staple argument was that the white man’s heart had grown sick of
the wars and rumours of war between one chief and another, between one village
and another; that the white man was at peace with his black brother, and
desired to “confederate all African tribes” for the general defense and public
welfare. All the sleight-of- hand tricks had been carefully rehearsed, and he
was now ready for his work. A number of electric batteries had been purchased
in London, and when attached to the arm under the coat, communicated with a
band of ribbon which passed over the palm of the white brother’s hand, and when
he gave the black brother a cordial grasp of the hand the black brother was
greatly surprised to find his white brother so strong, that he nearly knocked
him off his feet in giving him the hand of fellowship. When the native inquired
about the disparity of strength between himself and his white brother, he was
told that the white man could pull up trees and perform the most prodigious
feats of strength. Next came the lens act. The white brother took from his
pocket a cigar, carelessly bit off the end, held up his glass to the sun and
complaisantly smoked his cigar to the great amazement and terror of his black
brother. The white man explained his intimate relation to the sun, and declared
that if he were to request him to burn up his black brother’s village it would
be done. The third act was the gun trick. The white man took a percussion cap
gun, tore the end of the paper which held the powder to the bullet, and poured
the powder and paper into the gun, at the same time slipping the bullet into
the sleeve of the left arm. A cap was placed upon the nipple of the gun, and
the black brother was implored to step off ten yards and shoot at his white
brother to demonstrate his statement that he was a spirit, and, therefore,
could not be killed. After much begging the black brother aims the gun at his
white brother, pulls the trigger, the gun is discharged, the white man stoops .
. . and takes the bullet from his shoe!
By such means as these, too silly and disgusting to mention,
and a few boxes of gin, whole villages have been signed away to your Majesty.
When I arrived in the Congo, I naturally sought for the
results of the brilliant programme: “fostering care”, “benevolent enterprise”,
an “honest and practical effort” to increase the knowledge of the natives “and
secure their welfare”. 1 had never been able to conceive of Europeans,
establishing a government in a tropical country, without building a hospital;
and yet from the mouth of the Congo River to its head-waters, here at the
seventh cataract, a distance of 1,448 miles, there is not a solitary hospital
for Europeans, and only three sheds for sick Africans in the service of the
State, not fit to be occupied by a horse. Sick sailors frequently die on board
their vessels at Banana Point; and if it were not for the humanity of the Dutch
Trading Company at that place—who have often opened their private hospital to
the sick of other countries—many more might die. There is not a single chaplain
in the employ of your Majesty’s Government to console the sick or bury the
dead. Your white men sicken and die in their quarters or on the caravan road,
and seldom have Christian burial. With few exceptions, the surgeons of your
Majesty’s Government have been gentlemen of professional ability, devoted to duty,
but usually left with few medical stores and no quarters in which to treat
their patients. The African soldiers and labourers of your Majesty’s Government
fare worse than the whites, because they have poorer quarters, quite as bad as
those of the natives; and in the sheds, called hospitals, they languish upon a
bed of bamboo poles without blankets, pillows or any food different from that
served to them when well, rice and fish.
I was anxious to see to what extent the natives had “adopted
the fostering care” of your Majesty’s “benevolent enterprise” (?), and I was
doomed to bitter disappointment. Instead of the natives of the Congo “adopting
the fostering care” of your Majesty’s Government, they everywhere complain that
their land has been taken from them by force; that the Government is cruel and
arbitrary, and declare that they neither love nor respect the Government and
its flag. Your Majesty’s Government has sequestered their land, burned their
towns, stolen their property, enslaved their women and children, and committed
other crimes too numerous to mention in detail. It is natural that they
everywhere shrink from “the fostering care” your Majesty’s Government so
eagerly proffers them.
There has been, to my absolute knowledge, no “honest and
practical effort made to increase their knowledge and secure their welfare.”
Your Majesty’s Government has never spent one franc for educational purposes,
nor instituted any practical system of industrialism. Indeed the most
unpractical measures have been adopted against the natives in nearly every
respect; and in the capital of your Majesty’s Government at Boma there is not a
native employed. The labour system is radically unpractical; the soldiers and
labourers of your Majesty’s Government are very largely imported from Zanzibar
at a cost of £10 per capita, and from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Accra and Lagos at
from £1 to £1/10 per capita. These recruits are transported under circumstances
more cruel than cattle in European countries. They eat their rice twice a day
by the use of their fingers; they often thirst for water when the season is
dry; they are exposed to the heat and rain, and sleep upon the damp and filthy
decks of the vessels often so closely crowded as to lie in human ordure. And,
of course, many die.
Upon the arrival of the survivors in the Congo they are set
to work as labourers at one shilling a day; as soldiers they are promised
sixteen shillings per month, in English money, but are usually paid off in
cheap handkerchiefs and poisonous gin. The cruel and unjust treatment to which
these people are subjected breaks the spirits of many of them, makes them
distrust and despise your Majesty’s Government. They are enemies, not patriots.
There are from sixty to seventy officers of the Belgian army
in the service of your Majesty’s Government in the Congo of whom only about
thirty are at their post; the other half are in Belgium on furlough. These
officers draw double pay—as soldiers and as civilians. It is not my duty to
criticise the unlawful and unconstitutional use of these officers coming into
the service of this African State. Such criticism will come with more grace
from some Belgian statesman, who may remember that there is no constitutional
or organic relation subsisting between his Government and the purely personal
and absolute monarchy your Majesty has established in Africa. But I take the
liberty to say that many of these officers are too young and inexperienced to
be entrusted with the difficult work of dealing with native races. They are
ignorant of native character, lack wisdom, justice, fortitude and patience.
They have estranged the natives from your Majesty’s Government, have sown the
seed of discord between tribes and villages, and some of them have stained the
uniform of the Belgian officer with murder, arson and robbery. Other officers
have served the State faithfully, and deserve well of their Royal Master.
From these general observations I wish now to pass to
specific charges against your Majesty’s Government.
FIRST.—Your Majesty’s Government is deficient in the moral
military and financial strength, necessary to govern a territory o 1,508,000
square miles, 7,251 miles of navigation, and 31,694 square miles of lake
surface. In the Lower Congo River there is but One post, in the cataract region
one. From Leopoldville to N’Gombe, a distance of more than 300 miles, there is
not a single soldier or civilian. Not one out of every twenty State-officials
know the language of the natives, although they are constantly issuing laws,
difficult even for Europeans, and expect the natives to comprehend and obey
them. Cruelties of the most astounding character are practised by the natives,
such as burying slaves alive in the grave of a dead chief, cutting off the
heads of captured warriors in native combats, and no effort is put forth by
your Majesty’s Government to prevent them. Between 800 and 1,000 slaves are
sold to be eaten by the natives of the Congo State annually; and slave raids,
accomplished by the most cruel and murderous agencies, are carried on within
the territorial limits of your Majesty’s Government which is impotent. There
are only 2,300 soldiers in the Congo.
SECOND.—Your Majesty’s Government has established nearly
fifty posts, consisting of from two to eight mercenary slave-soldiers from the
East Coast. There is no white commissioned officer at these posts; they are in
charge of the black Zanzibar soldiers, and the State expects them not only to
sustain themselves, but to raid enough to feed the garrisons where the white
men are stationed. These piratical, buccaneering posts compel the natives to
furnish them with fish, goats, fowls, and vegetables at the mouths of their
muskets; and whenever the natives refuse to feed these vampires, they report to
the main station and white officers come with an expeditionary force and burn
away the homes of the natives. These black soldiers, many of whom are slaves,
exercise the power of life and death. They are ignorant and cruel, because they
do not comprehend the natives; they are imposed upon them by the State. They
make no report as to the number of robberies they commit, or the number of
lives they take; they are only required to subsist upon the natives and thus
relieve your Majesty’s Government of the cost of feeding them. They are the
greatest curse the country suffers now.
THIRD.—Your Majesty’s Government is guilty of violating its
contracts made with its soldiers, mechanics and workmen, many of whom are
subjects of other Governments. Their letters never reach home.
FOURTH.—The Courts of your Majesty’s Government are
abortive, unjust, partial and delinquent. I have personally witnessed and
examined their clumsy operations. The laws printed and circulated in Europe
“for the Protection of the blacks” in the Congo, are a dead letter and a fraud.
T have heard an officer of the Belgian Army pleading the cause of a white man
of low degree who had been guilty of beating and stabbing a black man, and
urging race distinctions and prejudices as good and sufficient reasons why his
client should be adjudged innocent. I know of prisoners remaining in custody
for six and ten months because they were not judged. T saw the white servant of
the Governor-General, CAMILLE JANSSEN, detected in stealing a bottle of wine
from a hotel table. A few hours later the Procurer-General searched his room
and found many more stolen bottles of wine and other things, not the property
of servants. No one can be prosecuted in the State of Congo without an order of
the Governor-General, and as he refused to allow his servant to be arrested,
nothing could be done. The black servants in the hotel, where the wine had been
stolen, had been often accused and beaten for these thefts, and now they were
glad to be vindicated. But to the surprise of every honest man, the thief was
sheltered by the Governor General of your Majesty’s Government.
FIFTH—Your Majesty’s Government is excessively cruel to its
prisoners, condemning them, for the slightest offences, to the chain gang, the
like of which can not be seen in any other Government in the civilized or
uncivilized world. Often these ox-chains eat into the necks of the prisoners
and produce sores about which the flies circle, aggravating the running wound;
so the prisoner is constantly worried. These poor creatures are frequently
beaten with a dried piece of hippopotamus skin, called a “chicote”, and usually
the blood flows at every stroke when well laid on. But the cruelties visited
upon soldiers and workmen are not to be compared with the sufferings of the
poor natives who, upon the slightest pretext, are thrust into the wretched
prisons here in the Upper River. I cannot deal with the dimensions of these
prisons in this letter, but will do so in my report to my Government.
SIXTH.—Women are imported into your Majesty’s Government for
immoral purposes. They are introduced by two methods, viz., black men are
dispatched to the Portuguese coast where they engage these women as mistresses
of white men, who pay to the procurer a monthly sum. The other method is by
capturing native women and condemning them to seven years’ servitude for some
imaginary crime against the State with which the villages of these women are
charged. The State then hires these woman out to the highest bidder, the
officers having the first choice and then the men. Whenever children are born
of such relations, the State maintains that the women being its property the
child belongs to it also. Not long ago a Belgian trader had a child by a
slave-woman of the State, and he tried to secure possession of it that he might
educate it, but the Chief of the Station where he resided, refused to be moved
by his entreaties. At length he appealed to the Governor-General, and he gave
him the woman and thus the trader obtained the child also. This was, however,
an unusual case of generosity and clemency; and there is only one post that I
know of where there is not to be found children of the civil and military
officers of your Majesty’s Government abandoned to degradation; white men
bringing their own flesh and blood under the lash of a most cruel master, the
State of Congo.
SEVENTH.—Your Majesty’s Government is engaged in trade and
commerce, competing with the organised trade companies of Belgium, England,
France, Portugal and Holland. It taxes all trading companies and exempts its
own goods from export-duty, and makes many of its officers ivory-traders, with
the promise of a liberal commission upon all they can buy or get for the State.
State soldiers patrol many villages forbidding the natives to trade with any
person but a State official, and when the natives refuse to accept the price of
the State, their goods are seized by the Government that promised them
“protection”. When natives have persisted in trading with the trade-companies
the State has punished their independence by burning the villages in the
vicinity of the trading houses and driving the natives away.
EIGHTH.—Your Majesty’s Government has violated the General
Act of the Conference of Berlin by firing upon native canoes; by confiscating
the property of natives; by intimidating native traders, and preventing them
from trading with white trading companies; by quartering troops in native
villages when there is no war; by causing vessels bound from “Stanley-Pool” to
“Stanley-Falls”, to break their journey and leave the Congo, ascend the
Aruhwimi river to Basoko, to be visited and show their papers; by forbidding a
mission steamer to fly its national flag without permission from a local
Government; by permitting the natives to carry on the slave- trade, and by
engaging in the wholesale and retail slave-trade itself.
NINTH.—-Your Majesty’s Government has been, and is now,
guilty of waging unjust and cruel wars against natives, with the hope of
securing slaves and women, to minister to the behests of the officers of your
Government. In such slave-hunting raids one village is armed by the State
against the other, and the force thus secured is incorporated with the regular
troops. I have no adequate terms with which to depict to your Majesty the
brutal acts of your soldiers upon such raids as these. The soldiers who open
the combat are usually the bloodthirsty cannibalistic Bangalas, who give no
quarter to the aged grandmother or nursing child at the breast of its mother.
There are instances in which they have brought the heads of their victims to
their white officers on the expeditionary steamers, and afterwards eaten the
bodies of slain children. In one war two Belgian Army officers saw, from the
deck of their steamer, a native in a canoe some distance away. He was not a
combatant and was ignorant of the conflict in progress upon the shore, some
distance away. The officers made a wager of £5 that they could hit the native
with their rifles. Three shots were fired and the native fell dead, pierced
through the head, and the trade canoe was transformed into a funeral barge and
floated silently down the river.
TENTH.—Your Majesty’s Government is engaged in the
slave-trade, wholesale and retail. It buys and sells and steals slaves. Your
Majesty’s Government gives £3 per head for able bodied slaves for military
service. Officers at the chief stations get the men and receive the money when
they are transferred to the State; but there are some middle-men who only get
from twenty to twenty-five francs per head. Three hundred and sixteen slaves
were sent down the river recently, and others are to follow. These poor natives
are sent hundreds of miles away from their villages, to serve among other
natives whose language they do not know. When these men run away a reward of
1,000 N’taka is offered. Not long ago such a recaptured slave was given one
hundred “chikote” each day until he died. Three hundred N’taka—brassrod-—is the
price the State pays for a slave, when bought from a native. The labour force
at the stations of your Majesty’s Government in the Upper River is composed of
slaves of all ages and both sexes.
ELEVENTH.—Your Majesty’s Government has concluded a contract
with the Arab Governor at this place for the establishment of a line of
military posts from the Seventh Cataract to Lake Tanganyika territory to which
your Majesty has no more legal claim, than I have to be Commander-in-Chief of
the Belgian army. For this work the Arab Governor is to receive five hundred
stands of arms, five thousand kegs of powder, and £20,000 sterling, to he paid
in several instalments. As I write, the news reaches me that these much-
treasured and long-looked for materials of war are to be discharged at Basoko,
and the Resident here is to be given the discretion as to the distribution of
them. There is a feeling of deep discontent among the Arabs here, and they seem
to feel that they are being trifled with. As to the significance of this move
Europe and America can judge without any comment from me, especially England.
TWELFTH—The agents of your Majesty’s Government have misrepresented
the Congo country and the Congo railway. Mr. H. M. STANLEY, the man who was
your chief agent in setting up your authority in this country, has grossly
misrepresented the character of the country. Instead of it being fertile and
productive it is sterile and unproductive. The natives can scarcely subsist
upon the vegetable life produced in some parts of the country. Nor will this
condition of affairs change until the native shall have been taught by the
European the dignity, utility and blessing of labour. There is no improvement
among the natives, because there is an impassable gulf between them and your
Majesty’s Government, a gulf which can never be bridged. HENRY M. STANLEY’S
name produces a shudder among this simple folk when mentioned; they remember
his broken promises, his copious profanity, his hot temper, his heavy blows,
his severe and rigorous measures, by which they were mulcted of their lands.
His last appearance in the Congo produced a profound sensation among them, when
he led 500 Zanzibar soldiers with 300 camp followers on his way to relieve EMIN
PASHA. They thought it meant complete subjugation, and they fled in confusion.
But the only thing they found in the wake of his march was misery. No white man
commanded his rear column, and his troops were allowed to straggle, sicken and
die; and their bones were scattered over more than two hundred miles of
Against the deceit, fraud, robberies, arson, murder,
slave-raiding, and general policy of cruelty of your Majesty’s Government to
the natives, stands their record of unexampled patience, long-suffering and
forgiving spirit, which put the boasted civilisation and professed religion of
your Majesty’s Government to the blush. During thirteen years only one white man
has lost his life by the hands of the natives, and only two white men have been
killed in the Congo. Major Barttelot was shot by a Zanzibar soldier, and the
captain of a Belgian trading-boat was the victim of his own rash and unjust
treatment of a native chief.
All the crimes perpetrated in the Congo have been done in
your name, and you must answer at the bar of Public Sentiment for the
misgovernment of a people, whose lives and fortunes were entrusted to you by
the august Conference of Berlin, 1884—1 885. I now appeal to the Powers which
committed this infant State to your Majesty’s charge, and to the great States
which gave it international being; and whose majestic law you have scorned and
trampled upon, to call and create an International Commission to investigate
the charges herein preferred in the name of Humanity, Commerce, Constitutional
Government and Christian Civilisation.
I base this appeal upon the terms of Article 36 of Chapter
VII of the General Act of the Conference of Berlin, in which that august
assembly of Sovereign States reserved to themselves the right “to introduce
into it later and by common accord the modifications or ameliorations, the
utility of which may be demonstrated experience”.
I appeal to the Belgian people and to their Constitutional
Government, so proud of its traditions, replete with the song and story of its
champions of human liberty, and so jealous of its present position in the
sisterhood of European States—to cleanse itself from the imputation of the
crimes with which your Majesty’s personal State of Congo is polluted.
I appeal to Anti-Slavery Societies in all parts of
Christendom, to Philanthropists, Christians, Statesmen, and to the great mass
of people everywhere, to call upon the Governments of Europe, to hasten the
close of the tragedy your Majesty’s unlimited Monarchy is enacting in the
I appeal to our Heavenly Father, whose service is perfect
love, in witness of the purity of my motives and the integrity of my aims; and
to history and mankind I appeal for the demonstration and vindication of the
truthfulness of the charge I have herein briefly outlined.
And all this upon the word of honour of a gentleman, I
subscribe myself your Majesty’s humble and obedient servant,
Stanley Falls, Central Africa,
July 18th, 1890.
Sources: Adelaide Cromwell Hill & Martin Kilson, eds., Apropos of
Africa: Sentiments of American Negro Leaders on Africa From the 1800s to the
1950s (London: Frank Cass and Company Limited, 1969).